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Cardiac Blues

Cardiac Blues The Cardiac Blues are a normal part of recovery from a heart attack, heart surgery or heart event. How long should they go on for though? When and how should you seek help? Around 75% of people experience the ‘Cardiac Blues’ after a heart event. Experiencing a heart attack, heart event or heart

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Men’s Health Week

28 Australian men die from coronary heart disease every day.  EVERY DAY.… That’s 28 too many. There are risk factors for heart disease that you can control and some you can’t. The more risk factors you have for heart disease, the greater your chance of developing it. To learn more about risk factors click here.

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Exercising with a heart condition – Safety Tips

If you are managing a heart condition or have recently experienced a heart event, it can be normal to fear starting or returning to an exercise regime. We know that those who exercise regularly remain healthier than those who don’t, however, returning can still be daunting. It’s important that you work on improving your fitness

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Mediterranean Diet – copy

Why the Mediterranean Diet for heart health? The Mediterranean diet is the traditional eating pattern of people from countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, including Greece, Italy and Spain. This diet is based on healthy whole foods and includes very few processed foods. Key foods in a Mediterranean diet are extra virgin olive oil, vegetables and

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World No Tobacco Day – May 31

Does seeing these signs cause you stress? We’ve all heard the stories, read the messages and know that smoking is not good for your health, but quitting can be overwhelming and not an easy thing to do, particularly on your own, without support. To sign up for an internet based study to help quit smoking

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